Proceedings of the First Nommensen International Conference on Creativity & Technology, NICCT, 20-21 September 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Research Article

Gratitude On Working Mother And Not-Working Mother

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.20-9-2019.2296625,
        author={Nancy Naomi G.P. Aritonang},
        title={Gratitude On Working Mother And Not-Working Mother},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the First Nommensen International Conference on Creativity \& Technology, NICCT, 20-21 September 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia},
        keywords={pastor needs personality},
  • Nancy Naomi G.P. Aritonang
    Year: 2020
    Gratitude On Working Mother And Not-Working Mother
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.20-9-2019.2296625
Nancy Naomi G.P. Aritonang1,*
  • 1: Department of Psychology University of HKBP Nommensen
*Contact email:


The aim of this study was to determine wheter working mothers and not-working mothers differ with regard to aspects of gratitude. Gratitude is an expression of admiration, thankful, and appreciation of something belong to. This expressions are intended to others, human being or some entities like God (Emmons & Shelton, 2002).For the purpose of this study, a meta-analysis was performed on data from reseach involving availability sample of 64, in range of 25 to 50 years old working mothers and not-working mothers. The participants each complete GQ-6 scales that measure gratitude in a warm sense of appreciation, a sense of goodwill, and a disposition to act aspects. The data analyzed quantitavely using t-test and statistically working status difference were not found, thus the hypothesis is rejected. There is no significant difference gratitude between working mothers and not-working mothers, with value of p=0.668 (p>0.05), and the value of t sum = 1.983 < t table = 1.998. The statistically result shows that 90.6% working mothers have gratitude in high level, and 87.5% not-working mothers also have gratitude in high level. So, the conclusion of this study is gratitude of working mothers and not-working mothers has no difference.