Research Article
Interpretation of Sura Ali Imrān verse 64 about Kalimatun Sawȃ`: an Analysis Study of Ma'na-cum- Maghza
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.20-10-2020.2305165, author={Qurrata A'yun and Lukita Fahriana and Kusmana Kusmana and Eva Nugraha and Lilik Ummi Kultsum}, title={Interpretation of Sura Ali Imrān verse 64 about Kalimatun Sawȃ`: an Analysis Study of Ma'na-cum- Maghza}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, ICIIS 2020, 20-21 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICIIS}, year={2021}, month={4}, keywords={kalimatun sawa' ma'na cum maghza plurality}, doi={10.4108/eai.20-10-2020.2305165} }
- Qurrata A'yun
Lukita Fahriana
Kusmana Kusmana
Eva Nugraha
Lilik Ummi Kultsum
Year: 2021
Interpretation of Sura Ali Imrān verse 64 about Kalimatun Sawȃ`: an Analysis Study of Ma'na-cum- Maghza
DOI: 10.4108/eai.20-10-2020.2305165
This article aims to examine the interpretation of QS. Ali Imran [3]: 64 regarding Kalimatun Sawa’ as a meeting point in the concept of plurality. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with the ma'na-cum-maghza hermeneutic theory. The results of this study indicate that the Prophet's invitation against Christians and Jews to Islam is carried out through conversation and not with the element of coercion or threat. The conversation in it is to get to know each other and find common ground that is a common point between them. Thus, the plurality can be accepted as a blessing from Allah SWT. who are absent from the disputes and hostilities within them.
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