Proceedings of the 2nd Universitas Kuningan International Conference on System, Engineering, and Technology, UNISET 2021, 2 December 2021, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia

Research Article

Strategic Mapping During Covid-19 Pandemic in PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia Base on Swot and Business Model Canvas Strategy

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.2-12-2021.2320352,
        author={Robi  Awaluddin and Nurul Siti Jahidah and Iqbal  Arraniri and Shilvaisnaeni Nurcesar Regia and Reka Nurul Astriani},
        title={Strategic Mapping During Covid-19 Pandemic in PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia Base on Swot and Business Model Canvas Strategy},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd Universitas Kuningan International Conference on System, Engineering, and Technology, UNISET 2021, 2 December 2021, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia},
        keywords={business strategy; business model canvas; covid-19 pandemic},
  • Robi Awaluddin
    Nurul Siti Jahidah
    Iqbal Arraniri
    Shilvaisnaeni Nurcesar Regia
    Reka Nurul Astriani
    Year: 2022
    Strategic Mapping During Covid-19 Pandemic in PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia Base on Swot and Business Model Canvas Strategy
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.2-12-2021.2320352
Robi Awaluddin1,*, Nurul Siti Jahidah1, Iqbal Arraniri1, Shilvaisnaeni Nurcesar Regia1, Reka Nurul Astriani1
  • 1: Departement of Management, Universitas Kuningan, Kuningan, Indonesia
*Contact email:


PT. Zamrud Bumi Indonesia is a company that produces organic liquid fertilizer from Kuningan Regency, West Java. In the COVID-19 pandemic, PT ZBI underwent a strategy adjustment and tried to adapt in running its business. This study aims to describe the business strategy of PT. ZBI during the COVID-19 pandemic, was equipped with a mapping of its business model using a business model canvas through a qualitative descriptive research approach. The covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the business turnover of PT. ZBI and more specifically, the most affected are in marketing strategies that previously used offline marketing techniques more often by conducting counseling and product demos, now have to change by optimizing digital marketing strategies, then what changes and is affected are the marketing and financial aspects where sales decline and has an impact on revenue shrinkage, which is now trying to improve with digital marketing strategies. Meanwhile, other elements of the business model canvas, such as key activities, key partner, costumer relationship and cost structure are carried out any changes, in terms of costs there are additional digital marketing costs. Then, for the SWOT Analysis of internal and external factors based on SWOT use ST strategy or market diversification strategy.