Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Advance And Scientific Innovation, ICASI 2019, 18 July, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Research Article

Language Maintenance In New Millenium: A Case Of Javanese-Batak Toba Families

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.18-7-2019.2288605,
        author={Vivi Novalia sitinjak and Anna  Tambunan and Nurlaidy  Simamora and Pahotan  Sinaga},
        title={Language Maintenance In New Millenium: A Case Of Javanese-Batak Toba Families },
        proceedings={Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference On Advance And Scientific Innovation, ICASI 2019, 18 July, Banda Aceh,  Indonesia},
        keywords={language maintenance javanese-batak families},
  • Vivi Novalia sitinjak
    Anna Tambunan
    Nurlaidy Simamora
    Pahotan Sinaga
    Year: 2019
    Language Maintenance In New Millenium: A Case Of Javanese-Batak Toba Families
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.18-7-2019.2288605
Vivi Novalia sitinjak1,*, Anna Tambunan2, Nurlaidy Simamora1, Pahotan Sinaga1
  • 1: Universitas Methodist Indonesia, Medan, Indonesia
  • 2: Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
*Contact email:


Medan is the biggest city in North Sumatera. In Medan, there are so many vernacular languages. Vernacular language is a symbol of ethnic identity. Maintaining vernacular language means maintaining identity. This study focuses on the dominant factor and the ways in vernacular language maintenance in Javanese-Batak families in Medan, Indonesia. There are four couples as subjects. This study applies qualitative research, especially case study. Data are taken from interview and observation. The technique of data analysis uses Miles and Huberman model which is divided into four steps; data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The findings of the data are 1) Attitude and parents’ role at home are the dominant factor from three factors which influence the vernacular language maintenance in Javanese-Batak families. 2) Language maintenance can be done through three ways, they are: language choice at home, bringing children toethnic church, and hearing traditional songs.