Research Article
Development of Intensive Dictionary of Expressions Figées Courantes Based on the Wordtheme
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.17-9-2024.2353084, author={Andi Andi Wete Polili and Abdul Ghofur and Elvi Syahrin and Wahyuni Sa’adah}, title={Development of Intensive Dictionary of Expressions Fig\^{e}es Courantes Based on the Wordtheme}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science, and Culture, ICIESC 2024, 17 September 2024, Medan, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICIESC}, year={2025}, month={1}, keywords={intensive dictionary expressions fig\^{e}es wordtheme}, doi={10.4108/eai.17-9-2024.2353084} }
- Andi Andi Wete Polili
Abdul Ghofur
Elvi Syahrin
Wahyuni Sa’adah
Year: 2025
Development of Intensive Dictionary of Expressions Figées Courantes Based on the Wordtheme
DOI: 10.4108/eai.17-9-2024.2353084
This research was proposed based on the research’s observations the regarding the learning of expressions figées in the litterature française course in the classroom which has not yet reached the target due to the lack of enrichment of students' vocabulary so that they are hampered in interpreting every language style they find in novels, films, dialogues, etc. So a supporting dictionary is needed that students can use to find explanations and how to pronounce them. The method used is 4D, with 4 research steps; namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. The results of this research showed significant increase in student learning outcomes after using a digital dictionary with a difference of 27 Then learning media in the form of a dictionary application is classified in the practical category in the beta test reaching 96%. So the Wordtheme-based expressions figées dictionary application is effective for use in the learning process.