Research Article
The Impact of Using Classpoint AI Interactive Learning Media on Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja in the Pancasila Subject
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.17-10-2024.2353743, author={Putu Paundra Ananda and I Made Yudana and Ni Kadek Ayu Korsikawati and Putu Nensi Pradila and Komang Ayu Sri Wahyuni}, title={The Impact of Using Classpoint AI Interactive Learning Media on Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja in the Pancasila Subject}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Law, Social Sciences and Education, ICLSSE 2024, 17 October 2024, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICLSSE}, year={2024}, month={12}, keywords={learning media pancasila education classpoint}, doi={10.4108/eai.17-10-2024.2353743} }
- Putu Paundra Ananda
I Made Yudana
Ni Kadek Ayu Korsikawati
Putu Nensi Pradila
Komang Ayu Sri Wahyuni
Year: 2024
The Impact of Using Classpoint AI Interactive Learning Media on Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 4 Singaraja in the Pancasila Subject
DOI: 10.4108/eai.17-10-2024.2353743
Education requires media that is able to support the creation of an interesting and enjoyable learning process so that the knowledge provided can be well received by students. Classpoint Ai is one of the many learning media that is able to provide this aspect. The research aims to find out how much positive impact students feel when using this learning media in Pancasila Education subjects. The method used is descriptive with a quantitative approach using a questionnaire. A total of 30 class The collected data will then be presented with a percentage of the perception questionnaire score criteria. The research results show that students get a positive impact from using learning media Classpoint Ai with the criteria for strongly agree being in the percentage range of 70% to 90%. This positive response is due to the interesting features available in Classpoint Ai as an interactive learning medium.