Research Article
Improvement of People's Participation in Absorption Village Fund Allocation (Adg) For Poverty Reductionin The District Of Aceh
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.17-10-2018.2294217, author={Sufitrayati Sufitrayati and Fanny Nailufar and Aliasuddin Aliasuddin and T. Zulham}, title={Improvement of People's Participation in Absorption Village Fund Allocation (Adg) For Poverty Reductionin The District Of Aceh}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Economic and Social Science, ICON-ESS, 17--18 October 2018, Banda Aceh, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICON-ESS}, year={2020}, month={4}, keywords={participation absorption the village fund allocation poverty district}, doi={10.4108/eai.17-10-2018.2294217} }
- Sufitrayati Sufitrayati
Fanny Nailufar
Aliasuddin Aliasuddin
T. Zulham
Year: 2020
Improvement of People's Participation in Absorption Village Fund Allocation (Adg) For Poverty Reductionin The District Of Aceh
DOI: 10.4108/eai.17-10-2018.2294217
This research has a purpose, namely; (1). To describe the results to be achieved in the role of community participation to improve the absorption of funds allocation in poverty alleviation village in Aceh Besar district, (2). To describe the implementation of increased community participation to improve the absorption of the Village Fund Allocation (ADG) in Aceh Besar district. In this research, using qualitative descriptive analysis method. The research data consist of primary data through interviews with respondents, community and village as well as using a list of questions prepared in advance and secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and some lembagadi Aceh Besar. The results showed that the absorption of the Village Fund Allocation in Aceh Besar regency very varied. Determination of ADG in Aceh Besar district each year has increased. Generally the village fund allocation is allocated or its use is more widely used for village officials or usually called wage jerih.Dalam direct community participation is only a small part is involved, since generally all people are not involved, even people do not know and do not understand the use of allocation village funds. It is therefore expected of local governments is expected to arrange qanuns more flexible and not raw.