Research Article
Discourse on the Position of The Head of Neighborhood in Urban Village Governance in Padangsidimpuan
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.15-9-2021.2315209, author={Halimatus Sahdiyah Harahap and Nita Nurliawati and Rofi' Romadhona Iyoe and Adinda Fathia and Hasna Khairunnisa Astadipura}, title={Discourse on the Position of The Head of Neighborhood in Urban Village Governance in Padangsidimpuan}, proceedings={Proceedings of the Third International Conference Administration Science, ICAS 2021, September 15 2021, Bandung, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICAS}, year={2022}, month={1}, keywords={analysis; the mayor's regulation; task and function}, doi={10.4108/eai.15-9-2021.2315209} }
- Halimatus Sahdiyah Harahap
Nita Nurliawati
Rofi' Romadhona Iyoe
Adinda Fathia
Hasna Khairunnisa Astadipura
Year: 2022
Discourse on the Position of The Head of Neighborhood in Urban Village Governance in Padangsidimpuan
DOI: 10.4108/eai.15-9-2021.2315209
The Urban Village is a Regency/City regional apparatus domiciled in the sub-district area, which is chaired by a headman. In the organizational structure, the urban village still has one level of structure under it, namely Neighborhood which is headed by the head of neighborhood . The Head of the neighborhood is an element of implementing operational tasks from the village in the government and society . Refers to the constitution 1945 paragraph 6 regarding regional autonomy that local governments have the right to form other regulations to carry out autonomy and assistant duties, Mayor’s Regulation Number 9 of 2021 concerning the Appointment and Dismissal of the Head of neighborhood in Padangsidimpuan City who functions as an assistant to a headman in carrying out government duties, empowerment and community security. In addition, seeing the abolition of several Government Regulations Number 72 of 2005 about Villages and Number 73 of 2005 about Urban Village, it is necessary to make regulations that discuss the position of the Head of neighborhood in the Governance. This study uses descriptive methods with a qualitative approach and research results obtained through interviews, documentation and literature study.