Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business, Law And Pedagogy, ICBLP 2019, 13-15 February 2019, Sidoarjo, Indonesia

Research Article

Maqâsid Al-Syari'ah As A Guide In Establishing The Law

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.13-2-2019.2286047,
        author={Wakhidun Abdurrakhman},
        title={Maq\~{a}sid Al-Syari'ah As A Guide In Establishing The Law},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business, Law And Pedagogy, ICBLP 2019, 13-15 February 2019, Sidoarjo, Indonesia},
        keywords={maq\~{a}sid al-syariah guidelines law},
  • Wakhidun Abdurrakhman
    Year: 2019
    Maqâsid Al-Syari'ah As A Guide In Establishing The Law
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.13-2-2019.2286047
Wakhidun Abdurrakhman1,*
  • 1: Departement of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
*Contact email:


This study aims to find out the meaning of maqâsid al-syari'ah, and maqâsid al-Syariah as guidelines for the law. This research uses doctrinal research (normative juridical), uses library research, and is qualitative, descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that knowledge of maqâsid al-syari'ah is essential. Understanding and understanding about maqâsid al-syari'ah can be used as an aid in understanding the Qur'an and as-sunnah, can also help resolve conflicting arguments (ta'arud al-dilalah) and what is very important is maqâsid al-shari'ah can be used as a guideline for the law. By knowing maqâsid al-syari'ah, it is easier for legal experts to practice law. If legal science cannot solve legal events, then by paying attention to the maqâsid al-shari'ah, every legal event will be easily resolved. Therefore it is very appropriate that maqsid al-syari'ah be used as a guideline in law