Research Article
Profile of Changes in Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Biology Teacher Candidates Based on Gender
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.12-12-2020.2305124, author={Z. Abidin and A.F. Hindiriana and L. Lismaya and E. Junaedi}, title={Profile of Changes in Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Biology Teacher Candidates Based on Gender }, proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st Universitas Kuningan International Conference on Social Science, Environment and Technology, UNiSET 2020, 12 December 2020, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={UNISET}, year={2021}, month={3}, keywords={implementation; education; character}, doi={10.4108/eai.12-12-2020.2305124} }
- Z. Abidin
A.F. Hindiriana
L. Lismaya
E. Junaedi
Year: 2021
Profile of Changes in Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Biology Teacher Candidates Based on Gender
DOI: 10.4108/eai.12-12-2020.2305124
This study aims to analyze the profile of changes in pedagogical content knowledge of biology teacher candidates based on gender. This research applies descriptive qualitative research methods. The sample of this research is students of the Biology Education Study Program at a private university in West Java who have complete data or follow all research instruments, which are 80 (77.7%) of the population of 103 students consisting of 65 (81.25%) women and 15 (18.75%) men. Sampling using purposive technique and saturated samples. The results showed: the profiles of changes in the PCK of male and female Biology teacher candidates have the same pattern of change, which is not linear with the number of semesters that have been taken. Both end in almost complete mastery of PCK when prospective teachers are in their eighth semester. Male Biology teacher candidate PCK has higher PCK than female PCK. The rate of change in the PCK of male Biology teacher candidates is faster than that of women. Changes in PCK for female teacher candidates are more consistent and regular than for men who have unequal changes. This research is able to reveal the profile of changes in the PCK of Biology teacher candidates so that it can be used by LPTK as a reference in coaching and professional development of Biology Teacher Candidates including changing the curriculum.