Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management, BDEDM 2024, January 12–14, 2024, Ningbo, China

Research Article

Study on the Impact of Digital Economy Development on Residents' Service Consumption

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.12-1-2024.2347210,
        author={Ge  Zhang},
        title={Study on the Impact of Digital Economy Development on Residents' Service Consumption},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management, BDEDM 2024, January 12--14, 2024, Ningbo, China},
        keywords={digital economy; service consumption; consumption structure; heterogeneity},
  • Ge Zhang
    Year: 2024
    Study on the Impact of Digital Economy Development on Residents' Service Consumption
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.12-1-2024.2347210
Ge Zhang1,*
  • 1: Harbin University of Commerce
*Contact email:


Based on 2014–2022 provincial panel data, the article carries out an empirical investigation on how the development of digital economy in China affects residents' service consumption from two perspectives: overall impact and consumption categories differences. The empirical analysis shows that the conclusion is robust, and the growth of the digital economy significantly promotes service consumption. Among the various types of service consumption, healthcare consumption is most affected by the development of digital economy, followed by transportation and communication consumption, education, culture and entertainment consumption. Therefore, China should keep fostering the superior growth of the digital economy in order to encourage the enhancement of citizens’ service consumption.