Research Article
Difference in Diversity and Abundance of Echinoderms in the Neritic Zone at Sayang Heulang Beach and Cibako Beach, Garut
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.11-7-2019.2298038, author={Sriwahjuningsih Sriwahjuningsih and Hudiana Hernawan and Fitri Eka Silviani and Leni Srimulyani}, title={Difference in Diversity and Abundance of Echinoderms in the Neritic Zone at Sayang Heulang Beach and Cibako Beach, Garut}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology, ICONISTECH 2019, 11-12 July 2019, Bandung, Indonesia.}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICONISTECH}, year={2021}, month={1}, keywords={diference diversity abundance echinoderms sayang heulang beach cibako beach}, doi={10.4108/eai.11-7-2019.2298038} }
- Sriwahjuningsih Sriwahjuningsih
Hudiana Hernawan
Fitri Eka Silviani
Leni Srimulyani
Year: 2021
Difference in Diversity and Abundance of Echinoderms in the Neritic Zone at Sayang Heulang Beach and Cibako Beach, Garut
DOI: 10.4108/eai.11-7-2019.2298038
Difference in Diversity and Abundance of Echinoderms in the Neritic Zone at Sayang Heulang Beach and Cibako Beach, Garut . The development of tourism in the oceans and the coast of South Garut, can increase ecological pressure on ecosystems and marine resources to influence fauna diversity. One of fauna diversity in the ocean region that is vulnerable and very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions are from the phylum Echinoderms. Echinoderms can used as bio indicators in the ocean. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in diversity and abundance of Echinoderms in the Neritic zone on Sayang Heulang beach and Cibako beach, Garut . Sampling at each location was carried out at the lowest tide by pulling 3 transect lines (100 meters each) vertically from the coastline towards the sea. Squares of squares (1 x 1 meter) are placed with a distance between squares of 10 meters. Based on observational data, Echinodermata species which were found on the Sayang Heulang beach were 4 species with 1366 total Echinoderms found. While in Cibako beach there are 9 species with 2773 total Echinoderms found. Based on the results of the calculation analysis, the diversity index (H ') on Cibako beach is higher than the one on Sayang Heulang beach, the level of population uniformity at Sayang Heulang beach and Cibako beach is moderate. While the most abundant species on both beaches is Ophioscoma erinaceus.