Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications, WMA-3 2019, 11-14 December 2019, Medan, Indonesia

Research Article

Implementing Total Quality Management in Christian Lesson

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.11-12-2019.2290810,
        author={Desi Tahlia Putry and I Putu Ayub Darmawan and Edi  Sujoko},
        title={Implementing Total Quality Management in Christian Lesson},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications, WMA-3 2019, 11-14 December 2019, Medan, Indonesia},
        keywords={learning process christian lesson total quality management},
  • Desi Tahlia Putry
    I Putu Ayub Darmawan
    Edi Sujoko
    Year: 2020
    Implementing Total Quality Management in Christian Lesson
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.11-12-2019.2290810
Desi Tahlia Putry1,*, I Putu Ayub Darmawan1, Edi Sujoko1
  • 1: Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson
*Contact email:


Improving education quality needs sustainable efforts; one of them is by doing Total Quality Management (TQM). TQM can be implemented not only in an educational institution’s organization but also in the teaching learning process. This study aims to investigate the implementation of TQM in SMP 1 Bawen, especially in the teaching learning process of Christian. Employing descriptive qualitative approach, the data needed for this research were gathered using interview, observation, and documentation. The result shows that the learning process of Christian lesson has applied five principles of TQM: focuses on the users (students) by handling the students’ problems and uses learning methods that suit the students’ need, does sustainable improvement to the students’ learning achievement, build shared commitments, evaluates the students’ achievement, and involves the school stakeholders. However, it still needs improvements on some points of TQM principles.