Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Education, INCRE 2020, 11-12 November 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia

Research Article

Best Practice of Science Learning (Case of Islamic Senior High School 4 Jakarta)

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.11-11-2020.2308310,
        author={Abdul Kadir Ahmad and Sumarni  Sumarni and Opik Abdurrahman Taufik and Kun Mardiwati Rahayu},
        title={Best Practice of Science Learning                 (Case of Islamic Senior High School 4 Jakarta)},
        proceedings={Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Religion and Education, INCRE 2020, 11-12 November 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia},
        keywords={best practice madrasa science learning},
  • Abdul Kadir Ahmad
    Sumarni Sumarni
    Opik Abdurrahman Taufik
    Kun Mardiwati Rahayu
    Year: 2021
    Best Practice of Science Learning (Case of Islamic Senior High School 4 Jakarta)
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.11-11-2020.2308310
Abdul Kadir Ahmad1,*, Sumarni Sumarni1, Opik Abdurrahman Taufik1, Kun Mardiwati Rahayu2
  • 1: Puslitbang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
  • 2: Universitas AL Azhar Indonesia
*Contact email:


This paper is the result of research conducted on students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods. The findings of the study show that the implementation of science learning at MAN 4 Jakarta is well implemented and supported by supporting factors, including curriculum management, student affairs, human resources, financing, and infrastructure available at MAN 4 Jakarta is sufficient to carry out supporting science learning. accomplishment of science material completeness and achieving scientific academic and non-academic achievements. These findings indicate that the development of a scientific culture needs to be carried out as a whole, in the sense that all elements of the madrasah community need to be involved. The success of these superior programs requires cooperation or partnerships with various other institutions / agencies that are related to the superior programs developed in Madrasahs.