The First International Conference On Islamic Development Studies 2019, ICIDS 2019, 10 September 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Research Article

Public Relations as Da'wah Communication Strategies In Economic Empowerment of Islamic Communities

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.10-9-2019.2289369,
        author={Oriza  Agustin and Khomsahrial  Romli and Fitri  Yanti and Jasmadi  Jasmadi and Indah  Eftanastarini and Leny  Setiyana},
        title={Public Relations as Da'wah Communication Strategies  In Economic Empowerment of Islamic Communities},
        proceedings={The First International Conference On Islamic Development Studies 2019, ICIDS 2019, 10 September 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia},
        keywords={public relations da'wah communication strategy economic empowerment},
  • Oriza Agustin
    Khomsahrial Romli
    Fitri Yanti
    Jasmadi Jasmadi
    Indah Eftanastarini
    Leny Setiyana
    Year: 2019
    Public Relations as Da'wah Communication Strategies In Economic Empowerment of Islamic Communities
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.10-9-2019.2289369
Oriza Agustin1,*, Khomsahrial Romli2, Fitri Yanti2, Jasmadi Jasmadi2, Indah Eftanastarini2, Leny Setiyana3
  • 1: IAIN Metro, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara 15A Iringmulyo Metro Timur Kota Metro 34111, Indonesia
  • 2: UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Jalan Letkol H. Endro Sutimin Sukarame Bandar Lampung 35131, Indonesia
  • 3: IAIN Metro, Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara 15A Iringmulyo Metro Timur Kota Metro, Indonesia
*Contact email:


The purpose of this study is to find out Da'wah communication strategy in the economic empowerment of the Islamic community by using the theory of Public Relations in Amil Zakat DT Peduli Kota Metro. The goal is to achieve economic empowerment program target through Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah by the addition of new Donors / Muzakki. The research method used qualitative descriptive approach by actively involved in the economic empowerment program and interviews 30 informants from DT Peduli Metro management, government, Muzakki, Mustahik, Stakeholders and Corporate. The result is increasing of new Donors / Muzzaki by achievement of eight economic empowerment indicator through the implementation of the Public Relations strategy, namely Communal Space provided voluntarily by each Volunteers / Donors who become public consultant in attracting new Donors as volunteers in bringing up ideas and innovations maximizing DT Peduli's economic empowerment program.