Research Article
Museum Based Learning : Museum-Based History Learning (Study at Beleleng Museum, Singaraja, Bali)
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.1-6-2023.2341414, author={Tuty Maryati and Luh Putu Sri Ariyani and Nengah Bawa Atmadja}, title={Museum Based Learning : Museum-Based History Learning (Study at Beleleng Museum, Singaraja, Bali)}, proceedings={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Law, Social Sciences and Education, ICLSSE 2023, 1st June 2023, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia}, publisher={EAI}, proceedings_a={ICLSSE}, year={2023}, month={12}, keywords={museum based learning history learning museum buleleng}, doi={10.4108/eai.1-6-2023.2341414} }
- Tuty Maryati
Luh Putu Sri Ariyani
Nengah Bawa Atmadja
Year: 2023
Museum Based Learning : Museum-Based History Learning (Study at Beleleng Museum, Singaraja, Bali)
DOI: 10.4108/eai.1-6-2023.2341414
The research aims: (1) to analyze the background, objectives, and functions of the Buleleng Museum; (2) to identify collections of historical relics as learning resources; and (3) to design a museum-based learning model centered on the Buleleng Museum. Research using descriptive qualitative method. Observation, interviews, and document study carried out data collection. The research involved students and history teachers at SMAN 4 Singaraja. The results showed (1) Buleleng Museum was established as an effort to save heritage objects, especially those in North Bali, which have historical value, as a medium for education, research, and as a tourism object; (2) the collections contained in the Buleleng Museum, including historical relics from the pre-literate era and historical objects from the Buleleng Kingdom; (3) the design of the museum-based learning model, as practiced by teachers and students of SMAN4 Singaraja, is project-based learning (PjBL) with material in class X, namely: historical research and pre-literate life. The application of the PjBL model makes students very enthusiastic, fun, and at the same time, recreational.