1st International ICST Workshop on Run-time mOdels for Self-managing Systems and Applications

Research Article

Incorporating prediction models in the SelfLet framework: a plugin approach

        author={Nicol\'{o} Maria  Calcavecchia and Elisabetta  Di Nitto},
        title={Incorporating prediction models in the SelfLet framework: a plugin approach},
        proceedings={1st International ICST Workshop on Run-time mOdels for Self-managing Systems and Applications},
  • Nicolò Maria Calcavecchia
    Elisabetta Di Nitto
    Year: 2010
    Incorporating prediction models in the SelfLet framework: a plugin approach
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.VALUETOOLS2009.7939
Nicolò Maria Calcavecchia1,*, Elisabetta Di Nitto1,*
  • 1: Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy.
*Contact email: calcavecchia@elet.polimi.it, dinitto@elet.polimi.it


A complex pervasive system is typically composed of many cooperating nodes, running on machines with different capabilities, and pervasively distributed across the environment. These systems pose several new challenges such as the need for the nodes to manage autonomously and dynamically in order to adapt to changes detected in the environment. To address the above issue, a number of autonomic frameworks has been proposed. These usually offer either predefined self-management policies or programmatic mechanisms for creating new policies at design time. From a more theoretical perspective, some works propose the adoption of prediction models as a way to anticipate the evolution of the system and to make timely decisions. In this context, our aim is to experiment with the integration of prediction models within a specific autonomic framework in order to assess the feasibility of such integration in a setting where the characteristics of dynamicity, decentralization, and cooperation among nodes are important. We extend an existing infrastructure called SelfLets in order to make it ready to host various prediction models that can be dynamically plugged and unplugged in the various component nodes, thus enabling a wide range of predictions to be performed. Also, we show in a simple example how the system works when adopting a specific prediction model from the literature.