3rd Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks

Research Article

Linear and Arithmetically-Progressive Taxation of Spectrum Resources in Cognitive OFDMA

        author={Hanna  Bogucka},
        title={Linear and Arithmetically-Progressive Taxation of Spectrum Resources in Cognitive OFDMA},
        proceedings={3rd Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks},
        keywords={cognitive radio dynamic spectrum access utility game theory.},
  • Hanna Bogucka
    Year: 2010
    Linear and Arithmetically-Progressive Taxation of Spectrum Resources in Cognitive OFDMA
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.VALUETOOLS2009.7721
Hanna Bogucka1,*
  • 1: Poznan University of Technology, Chair of Wireless Communication, ul. Polanka 3, 60-965 Poznan, Poland. +48-61-6653911
*Contact email: hbogucka@put.poznan.pl


In this paper, we consider a Cognitive Radio (CR) OFDMA-based network, in which the nodes detect available spectrum resources, and adopt a subset of accessible spectrum units (subcarriers). The idea of our approach to the efficient spectrum utilization is to allow each node to optimize the resources acquisition, where the competition of nodes for available common resources is observed. This can be modeled as a multi-stage game in the sense of game theory. In our game model, the efficiency and rationality mechanisms have been introduced in the utility function, which reflect the throughput achieved by a single player and the network potential to serve multiple nodes. Moreover, taxation of resources is recommended to coerce desirable players’ behavior. Simulation results show that there exist the trade-ff values of the linear and arithmetically-progressive tax-rate parameters to approach high overall spectral efficiency, high perceived throughput and fairness in distributing available resources.