3rd Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks

Research Article

Equilibrium selection in multistage congestion games for real-time streaming

        author={Giovanni  Rossi and Stefano  Ferretti and Gabriele  D’Angelo},
        title={Equilibrium selection in multistage congestion games for real-time streaming},
        proceedings={3rd Workshop on Game Theory in Communication Networks},
        keywords={Equilibrium analysis Selective and timely dissemination of information Coordination in network communications Distributed artificial intelligence.},
  • Giovanni Rossi
    Stefano Ferretti
    Gabriele D’Angelo
    Year: 2010
    Equilibrium selection in multistage congestion games for real-time streaming
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.VALUETOOLS2009.7633
Giovanni Rossi1,*, Stefano Ferretti1,*, Gabriele D’Angelo1,*
  • 1: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Bologna, Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, 40127, Bologna, Italy.
*Contact email: giorossi@cs.unibo.it, sferrett@cs.unibo.it, gdangelo@cs.unibo.it


We model peer-to-peer real-time streaming as a multistage congestion game with strategies consisting of time-sequences of network nodes (or peers), and identify a large set of strategy profiles through which the whole content reaches all peers in a minimum number of time-periods. In order to make these profiles sustainable as equilibria, we provide strategy restriction mechanisms implementing those equilibria where both streaming duration and congestion are minimized. Their functioning is exemplified in a simple simulation environment. The potential and social cost of equilibrium without strategy restrictions are also investigated.