3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques

Research Article

A DEVS component library for simulation-based design of automated container terminals

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        author={Michele  Fumarola and Mamadou  Seck and Alexander  Verbraeck},
        title={A DEVS component library for simulation-based design of automated container terminals},
        proceedings={3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques},
        keywords={simulation-based design component-based modeling DEVS container terminal},
  • Michele Fumarola
    Mamadou Seck
    Alexander Verbraeck
    Year: 2010
    A DEVS component library for simulation-based design of automated container terminals
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.SIMUTOOLS2010.8670
Michele Fumarola1,*, Mamadou Seck1,*, Alexander Verbraeck1,*
  • 1: Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands.
*Contact email: m.fumarola@tudelft.nl, m.d.seck@tudelft.nl, a.verbraeck@tudelft.nl


Modeling and simulation in design processes is traditionally used during the analysis of the future system. However, simulation-based design allows the use of modeling and sim- ulation throughout the synthesis phase which offers greater exibility to quickly compare alternative designs. In case of container terminals, these alternatives are based on dif- ferent aspects such as layouts, terminal operating systems, and equipments. Container terminals are characterized by a large number of entity types with multiple instances, in- teracting in various non-trivial ways. A component-based approach makes the construction of a suitable model easier: the designer can focus on the relevant constructs instead of lower level details. However, much effort is needed to achieve compatibility and modularity between the compo- nents. DEVS provides the higher level constructs to concep- tualize a complex system independently from the underlying implementation. We present a DEVS component library for container terminal design wherein much attention has been put into the conceptual distinction between control and me- chanics. This results in a library that can actively support the design process of containers terminals.