3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques

Research Article

Hybrid testbed for network scenarios

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        author={Jos\^{e} Mª  Salda\`{o}a and Eduardo  Viruete and Juli\^{a}n Fern\^{a}ndez-Navajas and Jos\^{e}  Ruiz-Mas and Jos\^{e} I.  Aznar},
        title={Hybrid testbed for network scenarios},
        proceedings={3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques},
        keywords={call admission control emulation hybrid testbed IP mobility virtualization Xen},
  • José Mª Saldaña
    Eduardo Viruete
    Julián Fernández-Navajas
    José Ruiz-Mas
    José I. Aznar
    Year: 2010
    Hybrid testbed for network scenarios
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.SIMUTOOLS2010.8635
José Mª Saldaña1,*, Eduardo Viruete1,*, Julián Fernández-Navajas1,*, José Ruiz-Mas1,*, José I. Aznar1,*
  • 1: Communication Technologies Group (GTC) – Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), Dpt. IEC. Ada Byron Building. CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza (Spain). Tel: +34 976 762 698
*Contact email: jsaldana@unizar.es, eviruete@unizar.es, navajas@unizar.es, jruiz@unizar.es, jiaznar@unizar.es


In this paper we explain the deployment of a testbed that emulates a network by means of virtualization, allowing us to implement a set of virtual nodes in one physical machine or a small LAN. Nodes participating in the communication are virtual machines adequately connected. The system is a hybrid testbed, as it includes simulation and emulation. But simulations are done in a previous offline stage, in order to avoid computer load caused by the need of real-time simulations, which could limit the maximum number of hosts to be included into the scenario. Finally, two uses of the testbed are presented.