3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications

Research Article

Mobile Learning Combined with RFID for Technical and Vocational Education and Training

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        author={Chwen-Fu Horng and Gwo-Jiun Horng and Chung-Shan Sun},
        title={Mobile Learning Combined with RFID for Technical and Vocational Education and Training},
        proceedings={3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications},
        keywords={Mobile learning RFID Wi-Fi Vocational education and training},
  • Chwen-Fu Horng
    Gwo-Jiun Horng
    Chung-Shan Sun
    Year: 2010
    Mobile Learning Combined with RFID for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
    DOI: 10.4108/ICST.MOBIMEDIA2007.1634
Chwen-Fu Horng1,*, Gwo-Jiun Horng2,*, Chung-Shan Sun1,*
  • 1: National Kaohsiung Normal University Kaohsiung, 802 Taiwan R.O.C. Tel: 886-7-8210171ext.301
  • 2: National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan R.O.C Tel: 886-7-8210171ext.301
*Contact email: horngfu@ms16.hinet.net, grojium.hg@msa.hinet.net, x9106@ms21.hinet.net


In this paper, we present a technique of mobile learning for relating paper maps and electronic information resources using radio frequency identification (RFID), mobile device and Wi-Fi technology. The system combining paper maps with electronic guide resources. Information about a training problem or region is accessed by waving a handheld computer equipped with an RFID reader above the region of interest on a paper map. Mobile device have been used as tools for navigation learning and mobile-learning information. It presents the prototyping efforts, including vocational education and training problems learned about using RFID for mixed media interfaces.