1st Workshop on Bio-inspired Models and Technologies for Ambient Information Society

Research Article

Fluctuation-Driven Adaptation and Symbiosis in Cellular Dynamics

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-32615-8_25,
        author={Chikara Furusawa and Kota Ijichi and Hiroshi Shimizu},
        title={Fluctuation-Driven Adaptation and Symbiosis in Cellular Dynamics},
        proceedings={1st Workshop on Bio-inspired Models and Technologies for Ambient Information Society},
        keywords={fluctuation attractor adaptation symbiosis},
  • Chikara Furusawa
    Kota Ijichi
    Hiroshi Shimizu
    Year: 2012
    Fluctuation-Driven Adaptation and Symbiosis in Cellular Dynamics
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32615-8_25
Chikara Furusawa1,*, Kota Ijichi1, Hiroshi Shimizu1
  • 1: Osaka University
*Contact email: furusawa@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp


Biological systems can generally adapt environmental chan- ges and to create symbiotic relationship with other species, by changing their intra-cellular states flexibly. However, the mechanisms for such flexible adaptation and creation of symbiotic relationship remain unclear. In this study, by using simple computer models of cells, we show that for cells whose gene expression fluctuate stochastically, the adaptive cellular state is inevitably selected by noise, even without sophisticated mechanisms. Furthermore, by the fluctuation-induced adaptation mechanism, we show that symbiotic relationships naturally appear in systems of interacting cells. This mechanism can provide clues to understand flexible adaptation and creation of symbiotic relationship. Applications of this mechanism for designing artificial systems are also discussed.