Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. Second International ICST Conference, MobiHealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, October 5-7, 2011. Revised Selected Papers

Research Article

Infusing Image Processing Capabilities into an RFID-Based Personal Mobile Medical Assistant

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-29734-2_20,
        author={Konstantinos Sidiropoulos and Pantelis Georgiadis and Nikolaos Pagonis and Nikolaos Dimitropoulos and Pantelis Asvestas and George Matsopoulos and Dionisis Cavouras},
        title={Infusing Image Processing Capabilities into an RFID-Based Personal Mobile Medical Assistant},
        proceedings={Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. Second International ICST Conference, MobiHealth 2011, Kos Island, Greece, October 5-7, 2011. Revised Selected Papers},
        keywords={PDA RFID Medical Assistant},
  • Konstantinos Sidiropoulos
    Pantelis Georgiadis
    Nikolaos Pagonis
    Nikolaos Dimitropoulos
    Pantelis Asvestas
    George Matsopoulos
    Dionisis Cavouras
    Year: 2012
    Infusing Image Processing Capabilities into an RFID-Based Personal Mobile Medical Assistant
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29734-2_20
Konstantinos Sidiropoulos1,*, Pantelis Georgiadis2,*, Nikolaos Pagonis2,*, Nikolaos Dimitropoulos3,*, Pantelis Asvestas2,*, George Matsopoulos4,*, Dionisis Cavouras2,*
  • 1: Brunel University West London
  • 2: Technological Educational Institute of Athens
  • 3: EUROMEDICA Medical Center
  • 4: National Technical University of Athens
*Contact email: Konstantinos.Sidiropoulos@brunel.ac.uk, pgeorgiadis@med.upatras.gr, npagonis@sch.gr, n.dimitropoulos@euromedica.gr, pasv@teiath.gr, gmatso@esd.ece.ntua.gr, cavouras@teiath.gr


The technological fusion of modern handheld devices, like Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), wireless networking, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, is considered capable of providing the solution to the healthcare community’s increasing need to enhance patient safety and reduce medication-dispensing errors by rapid and precise delivery of medical information within an all-wireless digital hospital environment. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to propose a wireless solution that utilizes RFID technology to enable physicians and healthcare professionals to automatically identify patients and easily access their medical information through PDAs, remotely. The developed PDA-based application is capable to identify each patient’s RFID tag, retrieve his/her medical data (images, bio-signals, reports, pharmaceutical treatment etc.) and display them by means of a user friendly graphical interface that suites the needs of the healthcare professional. Additionally, the application is further enhanced by incorporating advanced image processing capabilities to improve the diagnostic potential of medical images.