Research Article
Enhanced Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Local Repair Trial for MANET
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-27308-7_36, author={P. Naidu and Meenu Chawla}, title={Enhanced Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Local Repair Trial for MANET}, proceedings={Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology. Computer Science and Engineering. Second International Conference, CCSIT 2012, Bangalore, India, January 2-4, 2012. Proceedings, Part II}, proceedings_a={CCSIT PATR II}, year={2012}, month={11}, keywords={AODVLRT MANET Local Repair ADHOC network and Perimeter routing}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-27308-7_36} }
- P. Naidu
Meenu Chawla
Year: 2012
Enhanced Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Local Repair Trial for MANET
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27308-7_36
Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) is a routing schema for delivering messages in a connected Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET). Connectivity between any sources to destination pair in the network exists when they are in radio range of each other. Local Repair is an important issue in routing protocol which is needed for minimizing flooding and performance improvement. Routes can be locally repaired by the node that detects the link break along the end to end path. In this paper, the existing Local Repair Trial method in AODV is extended to achieve broadcasting and minimizing the flooding. The enhanced protocol first creates the group of mobile nodes then broadcasting can be done and if the link breaks then local repair technique can be applied. In the network the numbers of intermediate nodes are increased by using Diameter Perimeter Model. Enhanced AODV-Local Repair Trial (EAODVLRT) protocol is implemented on NS2 network simulator. Simulations are performed to analyze and compare the behavior of proposed protocol (EAODVLRT) for varying parameters such as size of network, node load etc. Proposed protocol has been compared with the existing AODV-LRT in terms of routing load, Data delivery ratio.