Research Article
Face and Lip Tracking for Person Identification
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-23602-0_27, author={Ying Zhang}, title={Face and Lip Tracking for Person Identification}, proceedings={2nd International ICST Workshop on e-Forensics Law and Judicial}, proceedings_a={E-FORENSICSLAW}, year={2012}, month={10}, keywords={face recognition lip tracking computer forensics}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-23602-0_27} }
- Ying Zhang
Year: 2012
Face and Lip Tracking for Person Identification
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23602-0_27
This paper addresses the issue of face and lip tracking via chromatic detector, CCL algorithm and canny edge detector. It aims to track face and lip region from static color images including frames read from videos, which is expected to be an important part of the robust and reliable person identification in the field of computer forensics. We use the M2VTS face database and pictures took from my colleagues as the test resource. This project is based on the concept of image processing and computer version.
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