Research Article
Analysing Weighted Networks: An Approach via Maximum Flows
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_109, author={Markus Brede and Fabio Boschetti}, title={Analysing Weighted Networks: An Approach via Maximum Flows}, proceedings={Complex Sciences. First International Conference, Complex 2009, Shanghai, China, February 23-25, 2009. Revised Papers, Part 1}, proceedings_a={COMPLEX PART 1}, year={2012}, month={5}, keywords={Complex Networks Weighted Networks}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_109} }
- Markus Brede
Fabio Boschetti
Year: 2012
Analysing Weighted Networks: An Approach via Maximum Flows
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_109
We present an approach for analysing weighted networks based on maximum flows between nodes and generalize to weighted networks ‘global’ measures that are well-established for binary networks, such as pathlengths, component size or betweenness centrality. This leads to a generalization of the algorithm of Girvan and Newman for community identification. The application of the weighted network measures to two real-world example networks, the international trade network and the passenger flow network between EU member countries, demonstrates that further insights about the systems’ architectures can be gained this way.
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