e-Learning, e-Education, and Online Training. 4th International Conference, eLEOT 2018, Shanghai, China, April 5–7, 2018, Proceedings

Research Article

A Survey on College Education Using Internet

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-319-93719-9_43,
        author={Xia Huang and Xia Liu and Yi-nan Chen and Ying-ying Liu and Fei Lang},
        title={A Survey on College Education Using Internet},
        proceedings={e-Learning, e-Education, and Online Training. 4th International Conference, eLEOT 2018, Shanghai, China, April 5--7, 2018, Proceedings},
        keywords={Network technology Teaching Research Survey report},
  • Xia Huang
    Xia Liu
    Yi-nan Chen
    Ying-ying Liu
    Fei Lang
    Year: 2018
    A Survey on College Education Using Internet
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93719-9_43
Xia Huang1,*, Xia Liu1,*, Yi-nan Chen1,*, Ying-ying Liu2,*, Fei Lang3,*
  • 1: Sanya Aviation and Tourism College
  • 2: Harbin 47 middle school
  • 3: Harbin University of Science and Technology
*Contact email: 4947249@qq.com, paolo_lx@qq.com, 305780161@qq.com, 14396166@qq.com, langfeihust@163.com


With the rapid development of network technology, the vast amounts of applications on internet bring big impact to traditional methods on teaching and researching. To understand the status of network applications on teaching and researching, the author of this article carried out a survey to higher vocational college teachers and students, combining face to face and internet survey, to make a start for future valuable research and provide help to network technology application on teaching and researching.