Research Article
Throughput Maximization for Two-Hop Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels with Non-ideal Circuit Power
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-319-72823-0_22, author={Hengjing Liang and Xiaojie Wen and Chuan Huang and Zhi Chen and Shaoqian Li}, title={Throughput Maximization for Two-Hop Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels with Non-ideal Circuit Power}, proceedings={5G for Future Wireless Networks. First International Conference, 5GWN 2017, Beijing, China, April 21-23, 2017, Proceedings}, proceedings_a={5GWN}, year={2018}, month={1}, keywords={Green communication Relay channel Throughput maximization Optimal power allocation Decode-and-forward (Df)}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-72823-0_22} }
- Hengjing Liang
Xiaojie Wen
Chuan Huang
Zhi Chen
Shaoqian Li
Year: 2018
Throughput Maximization for Two-Hop Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels with Non-ideal Circuit Power
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-72823-0_22
This paper studies the throughput maximization problem for a two-hop relay channel considering non-ideal circuit power. In particular, the relay operates in a half-duplex manner, and the decode-and-forward (DF) relaying scheme is adopted. Considering the extra power consumption by the circuits, the optimal power allocation to maximize the throughput of the considered system over the infinite time horizon is investigated. By transforming the non-convex problem into the quasiconcave one, the closed-form solution shows that the source and the relay transmit with certain probability, which is determined by the average power budget, circuit power consumption, and channel gains. Numerical results show that the optimal power allocation scheme outperforms other conventional schemes.