Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. 6th International Conference, MobiHealth 2016, Milan, Italy, November 14-16, 2016, Proceedings

Research Article

Personalised Guidance Services for Optimising Lifestyle in Teen-Agers Through Awareness, Motivation and Engagement – PEGASO: A Pilot Study Protocol

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-319-58877-3_6,
        author={Fulvio Adorni and Federica Prinelli and Chiara Crespi and Elisa Puigdom\'{e}nech and Santiago Gomez and Espallargues Mireia and Castell Conxa and Brian McKinstry and Anne Martin and Lucy McCloughan and Alexandra Lang and Laura Condon and Sarah Atkinson and Rajeeb Rashid},
        title={Personalised Guidance Services for Optimising Lifestyle in Teen-Agers Through Awareness, Motivation and Engagement -- PEGASO: A Pilot Study Protocol},
        proceedings={Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. 6th International Conference, MobiHealth 2016, Milan, Italy, November 14-16, 2016, Proceedings},
        keywords={ICT Lifestyles habits Adolescents Awareness Motivation},
  • Fulvio Adorni
    Federica Prinelli
    Chiara Crespi
    Elisa Puigdomènech
    Santiago Gomez
    Espallargues Mireia
    Castell Conxa
    Brian McKinstry
    Anne Martin
    Lucy McCloughan
    Alexandra Lang
    Laura Condon
    Sarah Atkinson
    Rajeeb Rashid
    Year: 2017
    Personalised Guidance Services for Optimising Lifestyle in Teen-Agers Through Awareness, Motivation and Engagement – PEGASO: A Pilot Study Protocol
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58877-3_6
Fulvio Adorni1,*, Federica Prinelli1,*, Chiara Crespi1,*, Elisa Puigdomènech2,*, Santiago Gomez2,*, Espallargues Mireia2,*, Castell Conxa2,*, Brian McKinstry3,*, Anne Martin3,*, Lucy McCloughan3,*, Alexandra Lang4,*, Laura Condon4,*, Sarah Atkinson4,*, Rajeeb Rashid5,*
  • 1: Institute of Biomedical Technologies-National Research Council Segrate (MI)
  • 2: Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya
  • 3: The University of Edinburgh
  • 4: University of Nottingham
  • 5: NHS Lothian
*Contact email: fulvio.adorni@itb.cnr.it, federica.prinelli@itb.cnr.it, chiara.crespi@itb.cnr.it, epuigdomenech@gencat.cat, sgomez@gencat.cat, mespallargues@gencat.cat, conxa.castell@gencat.cat, Brian.McKinstry@ed.ac.uk, Anne.Martin@ed.ac.uk, lucy.mccloughan@ed.ac.uk, Alexandra.Lang@nottingham.ac.uk, Laura.Condon@nottingham.ac.uk, Sarah.Atkinson@nottingham.ac.uk, rajeeb.rashid@nhs.net


Adolescence is a vulnerable stage in which the development of certain unhealthy behaviours can occur. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among European teenagers is rapidly increasing and may lead to both short- and long-term health complications. The fast development of the ICT, and in particular mobile technologies, together with their increasing diffusion among the EU populations offers an important opportunity for facing these issues in an innovative manner introducing the possibility of a new technological framework to re-design the healthcare system model. The PEGASO project relies on a mobile-and cloud-based ICT platform to set up a system of new healthcare services targeted to teens for obesity prevention. The present paper describes the protocol of a six-month Pilot Study that will be carried out on 525 adolescents in four different European sites (Italy, Catalonia, England, Scotland), aiming to evaluate the PEGASO system usability and effectiveness in promoting healthy lifestyles.