Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. 5th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium, July 3-5, 2013, Revised Selected Papers

Research Article

3D Head Pose Estimation for TV Setups

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-319-03892-6_7,
        author={Julien Leroy and Francois Rocca and Matei Mancaş and Bernard Gosselin},
        title={3D Head Pose Estimation for TV Setups},
        proceedings={Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. 5th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium, July 3-5, 2013, Revised Selected Papers},
        keywords={attention head pose estimation second screen interaction eye tracking Facelab future TV personalization},
  • Julien Leroy
    Francois Rocca
    Matei Mancaş
    Bernard Gosselin
    Year: 2014
    3D Head Pose Estimation for TV Setups
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03892-6_7
Julien Leroy1, Francois Rocca1, Matei Mancaş1, Bernard Gosselin1
  • 1: University of Mons (UMONS)


In this paper, we present an architecture of a system which aims to personalize the TV content to the viewer reactions. The focus of the paper is on a subset of this system which identifies moments of attentive focus in a non-invasive and continuous way. The attentive focus is used to dynamically improve the user profile by detecting which displayed media or links have drawn the user attention. Our method is based on the detection and estimation of face pose in 3D using a consumer depth camera. Two preliminary experiments were carried out to test the method and to show its link to viewer interest. This study is realized in the scenario of a TV with a second screen interaction (tablet, smartphone), a behaviour that has become common for spectators.