ct 16(6): e5

Research Article

Development of a wearable haptic game interface

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  • @ARTICLE{10.4108/eai.25-4-2016.151165,
        author={J. Foottit and D. Brown and S. Marks and A.M. Connor},
        title={Development of a wearable haptic game interface},
        journal={EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies},
        keywords={wearable computing, haptic devices, vibrotactile feedback, actor-network theory, game controllers, tangible interfaces, human-computer interaction.},
  • J. Foottit
    D. Brown
    S. Marks
    A.M. Connor
    Year: 2016
    Development of a wearable haptic game interface
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.25-4-2016.151165
J. Foottit1, D. Brown1, S. Marks1, A.M. Connor1,*
  • 1: Auckland University of Technology, Colab (D-60), Private Bag 92006, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1142
*Contact email: andrew.connor@aut.ac.nz


This paper outlines the ongoing development of a wearable haptic game interface, in this case for controlling a flight simulator. The device differs from many traditional haptic feedback implementations in that it combines vibrotactile feedback with gesture based input, thus becoming a two-way conduit between the user and the virtual environment. The device is intended to challenge what is considered an “interface” and sets out to purposefully blur the boundary between man and machine. This allows for a more immersive experience, and a user evaluation shows that the intuitive interface allows the user to become the aircraft that is controlled by the movements of the user's hand.