Management Trends in the Context of Industry 4.0

Research Article

The Influence of Digital Technologies on Performance of Work and its Legal Regulation

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.4108/eai.4-12-2020.2303311,
        author={Silvia Treľov\^{a} and Lenka Proch\^{a}zkov\^{a}},
        title={The Influence of Digital Technologies on Performance of Work and its Legal Regulation},
        proceedings={Management Trends in the Context of Industry 4.0},
        keywords={digitalization flexible work collaborative platforms telework smart work crowdwork},
  • Silvia Treľová
    Lenka Procházková
    Year: 2021
    The Influence of Digital Technologies on Performance of Work and its Legal Regulation
    DOI: 10.4108/eai.4-12-2020.2303311
Silvia Treľová1,*, Lenka Procházková1
  • 1: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Management
*Contact email:


The start of the digital era in the light of the fourth industrial revolution has brought new models of flexible working within the employment sphere. The traditional models of employment relationships have been augmented by new forms of working. The paper deals with forms of dependent work influenced by digital technologies and it deals with the protection of such an employee. It also outlines ways of working while using digital collaborative platforms carried out by a physical entity independently and flexibly. The influence of digitalization on the labour market is undeniable and when applied new challenges arise which have to be also dealt with by employment legislation. Which legislative changes are necessary and which fields of law they will concern is a subject of expert discussions and analyses.