Research Article
Publish-subscribe services for urgent and emergency response
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1145/1621890.1621901, author={Joann Ordille and Patrick Tendick and Qian Yang}, title={Publish-subscribe services for urgent and emergency response}, proceedings={4th International ICST Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware}, publisher={ACM}, proceedings_a={COMSWARE}, year={2009}, month={6}, keywords={Publish-Subscribe Systems Event-Based Systems Urgent Response Emergency Response Notification and Response Emergency Conferencing Ad Hoc Communities of Interest Flexible Subscription Delivery Role-Based Subscription Guidance Historical Event Matching Forum}, doi={10.1145/1621890.1621901} }
- Joann Ordille
Patrick Tendick
Qian Yang
Year: 2009
Publish-subscribe services for urgent and emergency response
DOI: 10.1145/1621890.1621901
In urgent and emergency response situations, publish-subscribe services need to go beyond information dissemination to facilitate response collection, and even collaboration, among the recipients. We introduce flexible delivery, role-based subscription guidance, and historical event matching to address the requirements of urgent response applications. Flexible delivery allows publishers to choose the most appropriate communication technique for the urgent situation. Role-based guidance provides an interface for subscribing to events from the user's perspective. Historical event matching allows subscribers to join ongoing collaborations for events that occurred in the past. Together theses techniques allow the creation and support of ad hoc communities of interest to address urgent situations. We report our experience with these techniques during 3 years of production use for escalating product repair issues for our company. Forum provides the first production use cases that require historical matching of persistent events in publish-subscribe services.