3rd International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom)

Research Article

Experimenting with Dynamic Test Component Deployment in TTCN-3

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  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1109/TRIDENTCOM.2007.4444687,
        author={M\^{a}t\^{e} J. Csorba and D\^{a}niel E\o{}ttev\^{e}nyi and S\^{a}ndor Palugyai},
        title={Experimenting with Dynamic Test Component Deployment in TTCN-3},
        proceedings={3rd International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom)},
  • Máté J. Csorba
    Dániel Eöttevényi
    Sándor Palugyai
    Year: 2010
    Experimenting with Dynamic Test Component Deployment in TTCN-3
    DOI: 10.1109/TRIDENTCOM.2007.4444687
Máté J. Csorba1,*, Dániel Eöttevényi2,*, Sándor Palugyai2,*
  • 1: Department of Telematics Norwegian University of Science and Technology N-7491 Trondheim, O.S. Bragstads plass 2B, Norway
  • 2: Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics Budapest University of Technology and Economics H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2,Hungary
*Contact email: csorba@item.ntnu.no, eottevenyi@tmit.bme.hu, palugyai@tmit.bme.hu


In our work, we investigate efficient usage of TTCN- 3 based test components in the emerging field of distributed performance testing of communicating systems. TTCN-3 is a high level formal specification language used for the specification of Abstract Test Suites (ATSs) suitable for various testing purposes mainly in telecommunication systems testing. A TTCN- 3 based test system may consist of several distributed Parallel Test Components (PTCs) and can be executed utilizing diverse hardware platforms. Our aim is to aid development of load tests by establishing a framework, while collecting best practices at the same time, that can be used to execute tests over mixed hardware resources efficiently. We, mainly focus on automated and dynamic deployment of load test components implemented purely in TTCN-3. Also, the deployment method takes test system load into account by monitoring the participating workstations’ behavior on-line. A potential test method is shown that can be used for testing server applications using low-cost or even legacy hardware as the platform for distributed test components. A basic scenario involving SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service testing is presented as an example.