Research Article
An Efficient Context-Aware Coordination Model for Ubiquitous Computing
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1109/MOBIQ.2007.4451031, author={Rajagopal Sudha and M.R. Rajagopalan and S. Sridevi and S. Thamarai Selvi}, title={An Efficient Context-Aware Coordination Model for Ubiquitous Computing}, proceedings={1st International ICST Workshop on Mobile and Ubiquitous Context Aware Systems and Applications}, publisher={IEEE}, proceedings_a={MUBICA}, year={2008}, month={2}, keywords={Coordination Model Distributed Space based Computing Semantic web Ubiquious semantic space context-awareness ontologies}, doi={10.1109/MOBIQ.2007.4451031} }
- Rajagopal Sudha
M.R. Rajagopalan
S. Sridevi
S. Thamarai Selvi
Year: 2008
An Efficient Context-Aware Coordination Model for Ubiquitous Computing
DOI: 10.1109/MOBIQ.2007.4451031
his paper presents a context-aware coordination model called USCM , ubiquitous semantic coordination model. Our model accompanies with the generic coordination model (XCM). XCM comes within P.Ciancarini's approach and the vision of coordination proposed by T.Malone. Ubiquitous Computing poses the challenge of increased communication, context-awareness, context-sensitivity and functionality. In order to meet out the challenge of increased communication USCM has chosen the coordination media to be Ubiquitous Semantic Space, a Distributed Space-based computing. Ubiquitous Semantic Space provides asynchronous communication, data persistence and context-awareness. USCM Model introduces a new pattern called Access-Oriented Space Pattern as a communication mechanism which is also modeled for contextual information. Contexts are represented using Ontology Web Language, OWL to provide context-awareness and context-sensitivity. The model is designed to express reactive behavior, by writing rules in SWRL and fired using JESS reasoner. It is also designed for discovery and composition of semantic services, we have demonstrated our model through an ubiquitous application, e-assisted living for the aged.