Research Article
Radar spectrum opportunities for cognitive communications transmission
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1109/CROWNCOM.2008.4562496, author={Lingfeng (Stephen) Wang and Joe McGeehan and Chris Williams and Angela Doufexi}, title={Radar spectrum opportunities for cognitive communications transmission}, proceedings={3rd International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications}, publisher={IEEE}, proceedings_a={CROWNCOM}, year={2008}, month={7}, keywords={}, doi={10.1109/CROWNCOM.2008.4562496} }
- Lingfeng (Stephen) Wang
Joe McGeehan
Chris Williams
Angela Doufexi
Year: 2008
Radar spectrum opportunities for cognitive communications transmission
DOI: 10.1109/CROWNCOM.2008.4562496
In relation to opportunistic access to radar spectrum, the impact of the radar on a communication system is investigated in this paper. This paper illustrates that by exploring the spatial and temporal opportunities in the radar spectrum and therefore improving the tolerance level to radar interference, a substantial increase on the throughput of a communication system is possible. Results are presented regarding the impact of swept radars on a WiMAX system. The results show the impact of SIR (Received WiMAX signal to received radar signal ratio), radar antenna radiation patterns and rotation period estimation on the feasibility of radar spectrum access.
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