Research Article
Between Innovation and Daily Practice in the Development of AAL Systems: Learning from the Experience with Today’s Systems
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-23635-8_14, author={Shirley Beul and Lars Klack and Kai Kasugai and Christian Moellering and Carsten Roecker and Wiktoria Wilkowska and Martina Ziefle}, title={Between Innovation and Daily Practice in the Development of AAL Systems: Learning from the Experience with Today’s Systems}, proceedings={Electronic Healthcare. Third International Conference, eHealth 2010, Casablanca, Morocco, December 13-15, 2010, Revised Selected Papers}, proceedings_a={E-HEALTH}, year={2012}, month={10}, keywords={eHealth Ambient Assisted Living Telemonitoring Telecare Future Care Lab Personal Emergency Response System PERS}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-23635-8_14} }
- Shirley Beul
Lars Klack
Kai Kasugai
Christian Moellering
Carsten Roecker
Wiktoria Wilkowska
Martina Ziefle
Year: 2012
Between Innovation and Daily Practice in the Development of AAL Systems: Learning from the Experience with Today’s Systems
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23635-8_14
In this paper we delineate and compare the functional and structural potential but also shortcomings of two Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems, which aim at providing remote care for elder adults living independently at home. One system, a personal emergency response system, is already in use, the other system, the Future Care Lab, presents a holistic tele-medical care setting, which is currently in its conceptualization and test phase at RWTH Aachen University. By learning from the experience with a well-established system in both, restrictions and benefits, implications for a user-centred development for future telemedical systems can be derived.
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