Bioinspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems. 4th International Conference, BIONETICS 2009, Avignon, France, December 9-11, 2009, Revised Selected Papers

Research Article

BIONETS: Self Evolving Services in Opportunistic Networking Environments

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-12808-0_8,
        author={Iacopo Carreras and Louay Bassbouss and David Linner and Heiko Pfeffer and Vilmos Simon and Endre Varga and Daniel Schreckling and Jyrki Huusko and Helena Rivas},
        title={BIONETS: Self Evolving Services in Opportunistic Networking Environments},
        proceedings={Bioinspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems. 4th International Conference, BIONETICS 2009, Avignon, France, December 9-11, 2009, Revised Selected Papers},
        keywords={evolutionary services opportunistic networking hardware--in--the--loop demonstrator BIONETS},
  • Iacopo Carreras
    Louay Bassbouss
    David Linner
    Heiko Pfeffer
    Vilmos Simon
    Endre Varga
    Daniel Schreckling
    Jyrki Huusko
    Helena Rivas
    Year: 2012
    BIONETS: Self Evolving Services in Opportunistic Networking Environments
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-12808-0_8
Iacopo Carreras1, Louay Bassbouss2, David Linner2, Heiko Pfeffer2, Vilmos Simon3, Endre Varga3, Daniel Schreckling4, Jyrki Huusko5, Helena Rivas5
  • 1: CREATE-NET, Trento
  • 2: TUB, Berlin
  • 3: BUTE, Budapest
  • 4: Univ. of Passau, Passau
  • 5: VTT


This paper presents the opportunistic service evolution platform. The proposed platform allows pervasive services to evolve over time by exploiting opportunistic communications among mobile nodes on the one hand, and evolutionary computation techniques on the other. We present the main components of the platform, describing their functionalities and technical implementation. Finally, we present the hardware–in–the–loop approach we have followed to evaluate it, where a simulation platform, in charge or reproducing a large number of mobile nodes communicating wirelessly, is integrated with a real software prototype.