Research Article
A Robust Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol in VANET
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-04434-2_4, author={Chae Jung and Chul Sur and Youngho Park and Kyung-Hyune Rhee}, title={A Robust Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol in VANET}, proceedings={Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems. First International ICST Conference, MobiSec 2009, Turin, Italy, June 3-5, 2009, Revised Selected Papers}, proceedings_a={MOBISEC}, year={2012}, month={5}, keywords={Vehicular Ad-hoc Network Conditional Privacy Authentication Movement Tracking Universal Re-encryption Group Signature}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-04434-2_4} }
- Chae Jung
Chul Sur
Youngho Park
Kyung-Hyune Rhee
Year: 2012
A Robust Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol in VANET
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04434-2_4
Recently, Lu . proposed an efficient conditional privacy preservation protocol, named ECPP, based on group signature scheme for secure vehicular communications. However, ECPP dose not provide unlinkability and traceability when multiple RSUs are compromised. In this paper, we make up for the limitations and propose a robust conditional privacy-preserving authentication protocol without loss of efficiency as compared with ECPP. Furthermore, in our protocol, RSUs can issue multiple anonymous certificates to an OBU to alleviate system overheads for validity check of RSUs. In order to achieve these goals, we consider a universal re-encryption scheme as our building block.
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