Research Article
Connecting Business Models with Service Platform Designs – Quantitative, Scenario-Based Framework
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-03569-2_4, author={Josip Zoric}, title={Connecting Business Models with Service Platform Designs -- Quantitative, Scenario-Based Framework}, proceedings={Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications - Workshops. Mobilware 2009 Workshops, Berlin, Germany, April 2009, Revised Selected Papers}, proceedings_a={MOBILWARE WORKSHOPS}, year={2012}, month={11}, keywords={}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-03569-2_4} }
- Josip Zoric
Year: 2012
Connecting Business Models with Service Platform Designs – Quantitative, Scenario-Based Framework
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03569-2_4
Heterogeneity of technical and business designs, complexity of collaborations, and incentives are just some of the consequences of service platform evolution that complicate their business analysis. Business models are usually on a higher abstraction level than service platform designs, which requires detailing prior to their financial analysis. This work proposes a framework for quantitative analysis, which “reinterprets” the business models by underlying service platforms technical and business entities, processes and scenarios. In such a way it prepares them for business analysis and valuation, focusing also on incentives of collaborating business actors. We explain the approach theoretically and demonstrate its use on the proof-of-the-concept service platform.