Research Article
Utilization Possibilities of Area Definition in User Space for User-Centric Pervasive-Adaptive Systems
@INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-642-03569-2_14, author={Ondrej Krejcar}, title={Utilization Possibilities of Area Definition in User Space for User-Centric Pervasive-Adaptive Systems}, proceedings={Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications - Workshops. Mobilware 2009 Workshops, Berlin, Germany, April 2009, Revised Selected Papers}, proceedings_a={MOBILWARE WORKSHOPS}, year={2012}, month={11}, keywords={Prebuffering Localization PDPT Framework Wi-Fi Mobile Device Area Definition}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-03569-2_14} }
- Ondrej Krejcar
Year: 2012
Utilization Possibilities of Area Definition in User Space for User-Centric Pervasive-Adaptive Systems
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03569-2_14
The ability to let a mobile device determine its location in an indoor environment supports the creation of a new range of mobile information system applications. The goal of my project is to complement the data networking capabilities of RF wireless LANs with accurate user location and tracking capabilities for user needed data prebuffering. I created a location based system enhancement for locating and tracking users of indoor information system. User position is used for data prebuffering and pushing information from a server to his mobile client. All server data is saved as artifacts (together) with its indoor position information. The area definition for artifacts selecting is described for current and predicted user position along with valuating options for artifacts ranging. Future trends are also discussed.