Testbeds and Research Infrastructure: Development of Networks and Communities. 9th International ICST Conference, TridentCom 2014, Guangzhou, China, May 5-7, 2014, Revised Selected Papers

Research Article

Resources Description, Selection, Reservation and Verification on a Large-Scale Testbed

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1007/978-3-319-13326-3_23,
        author={David Margery and Emile Morel and Lucas Nussbaum and Olivier Richard and Cyril Rohr},
        title={Resources Description, Selection, Reservation and Verification on a Large-Scale Testbed},
        proceedings={Testbeds and Research Infrastructure: Development of Networks and Communities. 9th International ICST Conference, TridentCom 2014, Guangzhou, China, May 5-7, 2014, Revised Selected Papers},
        keywords={Testbed Resources Discovery Description Reservation Verification},
  • David Margery
    Emile Morel
    Lucas Nussbaum
    Olivier Richard
    Cyril Rohr
    Year: 2014
    Resources Description, Selection, Reservation and Verification on a Large-Scale Testbed
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13326-3_23
David Margery1,*, Emile Morel1,*, Lucas Nussbaum2,*, Olivier Richard3,*, Cyril Rohr1,*
  • 1: Inria
  • 2: CNRS, Inria, Université de Lorraine
  • 3: CNRS, Inria, Université de Grenoble
*Contact email: David.Margery@inria.fr, Emile.Morel@inria.fr, lucas.nussbaum@inria.fr, Olivier.Richard@inria.fr, Cyril.Rohr@inria.fr


The management of resources on testbeds, including their description, reservation and verification, is a challenging issue, especially on of large scale testbeds such as those used for research on High Performance Computing or Clouds. In this paper, we present the solution designed for the Grid’5000 testbed in order to: (1) provide users with an in-depth and machine-parsable description of the testbed’s resources; (2) enable multi-criteria selection and reservation of resources using a HPC resource manager; (3) ensure that the description of the resources remains accurate.