Benefits of Publishing in CORE

Open Access

All proceedings in the CORE and CCER series are Open Access and all visitors of our European Union Digital Library (EUDL) can view and download the full-text PDFs of the proceeding papers.


EAI’s guiding community principles are transparency, objectivity, equality, and openness. The EAI Conference Board evaluates the proceedings proposals objectively, offering equal opportunities to conferences from all over the globe.

Fast publication process

After the EAI Publications Department receives all necessary documents from you, all of your proceeding papers are submitted to our conference management system Confy and in correct templates, it takes only around 4 weeks for the separate proceedings papers to be published in EUDL.

Included services

  • ISBN and ISSN for the proceedings book
  • Unique DOI number for each accepted and published paper
  • EUDL – proceedings published with separate papers
  • Paper editing – small editing changes in source files/PDF

Additional services

  • EUDL – proceedings published as an eBook
  • Hard copies of the proceedings
  • Paper editing – formatting articles to EAI Templates (DOCX source files needed)
  • Paper editing – English language check and correction


Proceedings are automatically indexed in CrossRef, CNKI, EBSCO, and Google Scholar several weeks after their publication in EUDL. The EAI Publications Department submits the proceedings to Scopus, Ei Compendex, and WoS as well, once they meet the publication history demanded by Elsevier and Clarivate Analytics. Notice that EAI guarantees the submission for indexation, but not the final acceptance since this will depend on the major indexes' selection teams' approval.

Permanent archiving

EAI is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research and to guarantee accessibility to this research. All proceeding papers published in EAI Proceedings Series are archived using Portico’s preservation service. This ensures that all published proceeding papers are preserved and available for future researchers and students.

Technical sponsorship opportunity

EAI is endorsing ICT conferences that meet high quality research standards and promote science without boundaries through a follow up publication of the conference results in indexed Proceedings, Journals and Books.

In case your conference gets approved for EAI Technical Sponsorship, you will receive the following benefits:

  • EAI provides the conference Organizing Committee with the EAI logo to be posted on the home page of the conference website.
  • EAI will publish the Conference Proceedings in one of the EAI and EAI/Springer series. The series chosen to be decided in cooperation with the Organizing Committee.
  • In addition, EAI provides the organizing committee with the option to publish extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of: EAI Endorsed Transactions
  • EAI provides the organizing committee with an option to publish extended versions of the submitted papers in EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series
  • EAI will promote the conference through EAI dissemination channels, social networks and mailing contacts matching the technical scope of the conference.
  • EAI will offer the conference the free use of its Conference Management system.

If you are interested in applying for the EAI Technical Sponsorship, please contact the Publications Department at